About the Conference

Education is a lifelong endeavour – from early childhood to later life learning – and there are transitions at every turn. HEQCO’s 6th annual conference crossed borders, sectors and silos for the best thinking on how our education sectors could work together to improve educational access, enhance quality and ensure that Canadians have the knowledge and skills they need for success.  It was time for a national conversation. We explored areas of common concern at each stage of the learning process.


Thanks to our Conference Advisory Committee members for their experience, expertise and imagination: Ron Canuel President and CEO, Canadian Education Association; Annie Kidder, Executive Director, People for Education; Charles Pascal, Professor, Applied Psychology and Human Development OISE, University of Toronto; Anita Simpson, Superintendent of Program and Innovation, Simcoe County District School Board; Helen Tewolde, Manager, Community Partnerships Office, George Brown College.

Session Highlights

A two-day conference with over 25 sessions and more than 80 speakers
exploring learning outcomes, access and system design from kindergarten through postsecondary and beyond.

With thanks to Hillary Arnold, Nicholas Dion and Wesley Ferris for their dedication and effort in preparing these highlights.

View Highlights

Photo Gallery

  • HEQCO President & CEO Harvey Weingarten welcomes participants to the Transitions conference.

  • New York Times bestselling author and keynote presenter Paul Tough signs copies of his book How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character.

  • Keynote presenter Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald, Holland College’s Vice President and Chief Learning Officer.

  • Thanks to TD Bank Group for sponsoring the participation of college and university students.

    Thanks to TD Bank Group for sponsoring the participation of college and university students.

  • Game designer, inventor and author Jane McGonigal signs copies of her books at the conference.

  • Getting creative with Feltro, a new age learning tool.

  • Learning about the Empathy Toy from Twenty One Toys.

  • Our Closing Plenary panelists offer a frank discussion on the challenges facing postsecondary education in Canada.

Our Partners

  • Pearson
  • Academica Group
  • TD

We are also grateful to our outreach partners for helping us spread the word about our conference: Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers, Canadian Association of College & University Student Services, Canadian Association of Graduate Studies, Canadian Association of School System Administrators, Canadian School Boards Association, Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Colleges and Institutes Canada, Colleges Ontario, Contact North, Guidance Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association, Higher Ed Points, Learnography, Omega Foundation, Ontario School Counsellors’ Association, PEITF School Counsellors' Association, Pathways to Education, Canada, Saskatchewan School Counsellor Association, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

HEQCO partnered with Academica Group to survey current students and recent graduates about their experiences transitioning into and out of postsecondary education. Read the results here.
